ISO9227-2017 how about salt spray test?
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ISO9227-2017 how about salt spray test?

Please come with us to see the specifications of the salt spray test in the standard. If there is anything unclear, please contact us for discussion.
The atom izers shall be made of inert material. Baffles may be used to prevent direct impact of the spray on the test specimens, and the use of adjustable baf fles is helpf ul in obtaining uniform distribution of the spray within the cabinet. For this purpose, a dispersion tower equipped with an atomizer may also be helpf ul.
The salt solution supplied to the nozzle shall be kept stable to ensure a continuous and uniform fall out as described in lι.3.. A stable level of spraying can be achieved by either controlling the level of salt solution in the reservoi r or restricting the flow of salt solu tion to the nozzle such that a continuous spray is achieved .
Distilled or deionized water with a conductiv ity not higher than 20 μS/cm at 25℃±2℃shall be used for hutnidif ication of spray a ir.

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